On Sole24Ore the news of the Certificate of Professional Leadership received by Stefano Boeri as Pioneer of Biodiversity, by the United States Green Building Council. Awarded “for the commitment made in the transformation of architecture as a sphere of life thanks to a design attentive to natural biodiversity and for the vision and projects of a future city sustainable and accessible to all”, the award underlines the value of the study and research carried out by Stefano Boeri Architetti in the field of biodiversity and attention to the climate emergency.
Among the projects, the first Vertical Forest in Milan, in the Porta Nuova area, has given rise to a series of replicas in the world, from Lausanne to Paris, from Nanjing to Utrecht, up to the planning of future Forests Cities such as the Smart Forest City of Cancún via Eindhoven, Holland, where the Trudo Vertical Forest represents the first vertical forest dedicated to social housing.
To read the entire article, follow the link: https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/stefano-boeri-pioniere-biodiversita-il-green-building-council-ADP9VnZ?refresh_ce=1