In Pianeta 2030, an in-depth report by Corriere della Sera that focuses on objectives such as sustainable development, zero emissions and decarbonisation, the World Forum on Urban Forests (WFUF2023), whose second meeting will be held from October 16th to the 20th 2023 in Washington, DC, is presented.
Organised thanks to the collaboration of the FAO, the Arbor Day Foundation, the United States Forest Service (USFS), the Smithsonian Institution, the Politecnico di Milano, the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) and the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), this second event – following the 2018 Forum held in Mantua – has as its main theme Greener, Healthier and Happier Cities for All, to emphasise the importance of building inclusive cities in which the ecosystem goods and services of forests and trees are fairly and equally available to all city dwellers.
The members of the WFUF2023 Scientific Committee include: Stefano Boeri, Fabio Salbitano, Dr. Wendy Y. Chen and Dr. Jessica Thorn.
Stefano Boeri Architetti is one of the promoters of the forum, emphasising the firm’s commitment to increasing awareness of the importance of the role of living nature for the future of cities.
The forum is divided into several sessions: the first day is dedicated to Healthy Cities, the second to Inclusive Cities, the third to Resilient Cities, while the fourth includes field trips and the fifth a Cities Forum/Tree Cities of the World day.
For the full programme in draft: https://www.worldforumonurbanforests.org/images/wfuf_2023/pdf-wfuf-2023/wfuf_2023_draft_programme.pdf
For more information: www.worldforumonurbanforests.org
The news was also reported by Teleambiente