The Spanish platform Planeta Inteligente publishes an article about the need of an architecture that contributes to tackle pollution in urban contexts through environmentally sustainable design, which include nature as the main element.
The binomial city-nature is nowadays a necessity, and not anymore a tendency, and in it we have to find answers to combat the effects of Climate Change and improve urban contexts’ habitat conditions.
The green magazine retraces the diverse solutions that contribute to improve environmental qualities: from big international projects to technological solutions.
From initiatives that award green cities and environmental sustainable politics such as European Green Capital to architectural and urban models as the ones studied by Stefano Boeri Architetti like the Vertical Forest and the Forest City, prototypes that contribute to the wider project of Urban Forestry.
To read the full article click here: http://www.planetainteligente.expansion.com/infraestructuras-sostenibles/edificios-vegetales