In Corriere del Veneto, Veronica Tuzii interviews Stefano Boeri on the occasion of the closing event of Hanji House, an introductory pavilion to the exhibition by Korean artist Kwang Young Chun, a collateral event of the 59th Biennale.
The article focuses on past projects and future visions conceived by Stefano Boeri Architetti in Veneto, citing both constructed buildings, such as Ca’ delle Alzaie in Treviso, and larger-scale visions, such as the Piano degli Interventi in Padua.
To read the full article: https://corrieredelveneto.corriere.it/venezia-mestre/cultura-tempo-libero/22_novembre_26/culturaspett108-aprecorriereveneto-web-veneto-c7da9820-6cf3-11ed-b2b3-34bd2abe53df.shtml