«It is wonderful that a place so heavily struck by such a tragedy like the earthquake gives birth to a new kind of knowledge inspired by the idea of integrated ecology, that brings together sustainability, biodiversity, forestry and that can be at the origin of many new job opportunities for young people», this is the way Stefano Boeri introduces the project House of the Future in Amatrice.
The intervention, that includes the renovation of Don Minozzi Complex part that has not been damaged by the earthquanke, is organized in four macro functional areas that are going to host respectively a central asisstantial area, an adminsitrative section and a museum, an educational pole and an area dedicated to research and innovation.
The project by Stefano Boeri Architetti is inspired by the old structure keeping its original central axis that points towards the Civic Tower along Umberto I street and it maintains the original disposition of the buildings that are organized according a system of courtyards and colonnades.
Some parts of the original complex including Santa Maria Assunta Church are conserved.
This complex, that in the Twenties of the past century welcomed war orphans, will continue to host young people who are determined to follow study and research courses in order to contribute to the rebirth of this territory.
Here the full article by Icon Design: https://icondesign.it/places/amatrice-casa-del-futuro-stefano-boeri/