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Homepage en gentleman green | virtuous circles

gentleman green
virtuous circles

An article published on Gentleman Green dedicated to the design world that looks forward to a greener and more sustainable future. Architecture, design, urban policies and materials can become the solution, because they were the problem in the first place. The next International Exhibition of La Triennale di Milano curated by Paola Antonelli will celebrate the importance of this themes: Broken Nature. Design takes on human survival aims to indentify a new armony between humans and environment.

Stefano Boeri becomes a frontman of this practice promoting Urban Forestry as a “priority in the programmes of governments and institutions” and experimenting opportunities through Vertical Foresting, a research that starts from the prototype of Vertical Forest and that will soon have new living architecture built around the world in Nanjing, Utrecht, Tirana, Lausanne, Paris and Eindhoven, this last one in social housing.

An aware reconsideration of the ways and reasons of the construction, product of a scientific and emotional reading of nature and of its elements, can lead us to new ways of living, to new ethical and aesthetical values. Taking advantage of the power of nature and of its elements we can produce a new kind of architecture, aware of its past errors, with a key role for the future“, so Stefano Pujatti defines an architecture which is sensitive of its impact and aware of future transformations.

Different professionals and producers are involved in making this commitment real and constant. As intended by Massimo Roj, the architect in charge of CMR studio who designed the masterplan of a self-sustaining citadel, “sustainability has to be intended as an essential relation between environmental, social, economical, technological, cultural factors: only adopting this vision it is possible to get to a deeper meaning”. For this reason we have to explore and consolidate different approaches in different fields. From architecture to the design product, from processes, as the Circular Economy – theorized in the Seventies -, to approaches such as territory marketing.