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Homepage en il capitale naturale | stefano boeri

il capitale naturale
stefano boeri

Il Capitale Naturale. Idee e soluzioni per fare pace con il Pianeta (The Natural Capital. Ideas and Solutions for Making Peace with the Planet), a book edited by Daniele Moretti, deputy editor of SkyTg24, for the publishing house Paesi Edizioni, brings together disparate contributions to improving our relationship with the natural world.

Among writings by physicists, entrepreneurs, scientists and politicians, the volume also includes the paper Città verdi, ponti tra gli ecosistemi (Green Cities, Bridges between Ecosystems) by Stefano Boeri.
The text aims to change the way we see and experience our role on the planet, in a vision that focuses on living nature and the integration of plants and trees into the spaces we experience most, cities.

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The book is presented at the Milan Triennale on 23 February in the presence of Stefano Boeri, Elisa Palazzi, Professor of Climate Physics at the University of Turin, and Stefano Pogutz, author of the preface, Full-time MBA Director, SDA Bocconi School of Management, and Head of Vertical Sustainability, Bocconi for Innovation Sustainability Lab. The meeting is moderated by Giuseppe De Bellis, Director of SkyTg24.