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Homepage en ohga! | bosco verticale

bosco verticale

bosco verticale on ohga!

On ohga! website, an article by Maria Teresa Gasbarrone picks up on the Nature Climate study that proves that by creating greener cities, urban carbon emissions can be reduced by up to 25%, citing the Bosco Verticale in Milan, a project by Boeri Studio, as a possible solution.

The results of the study show how strategically increasing what the authors of the research call ‘nature-based solutions’ (NBS) in 54 large cities in the European Union could reduce anthropogenic carbon emissions by an average of 17.4%. The creation of green areas and the implementation of urban parks, green spaces and trees in cities is therefore a key step in achieving carbon neutrality, in addition to the psychological and physical benefits associated with the presence of greenery.

In this context, the Bosco Verticale is cited as a virtuous example of the integration of living nature into architecture, with minimal soil consumption: the two towers of Porta Nuovo in fact host 800 trees (480 first and second size trees, 300 smaller ones), 15,000 perennials and/or ground cover plants and 5,000 shrubs: a vegetation equivalent to that of 30,000 square metres of woodland and undergrowth, concentrated on 3,000 square metres of urban area.

To read the full article: