On Nola.com an article on the Milanese Architect who backs Urban Forestry, as a research and practice that can tackle the terrible effects of Climate Change on the environment in the same places in which they are generated.
In fact in his intervention at Cities for Tomorrow in New Orleans Stefano Boeri outlined the urban and architectural projects produced by the research on Forestry: from the prototype of the Milanese Vertical Forest that will be conjugated on a residential social housing building, the Trudo Vertical Forest in Eindhoven, to the General Local Plan Tirana 2030 that has evolved in the model of the Forest City proportioned on the vegetal elements.
“We have to imagine how we could communicate the fact that you can intervene in a very efficient way,” and be optimistic about the possibilities available for stopping climate change, Boeri said, rather than only being fearful of the effects.
The full article on: https://www.nola.com/business/2018/12/skyscrapers-constructed-with-21000-plants-could-reduce-cities-roles-in-climate-change.html