The Nature-Based Solutions Handbook is the document produced by ThinkNature in collaboration with the European Union’s Horizon: the Bosco Verticale in Milan, a project by Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra), is presented as a case study of the application of Nature-Based Solutions in architecture.
Edited by Giorgos Somarakis, Stavros Stagakis and Nektarios Chrysoulakis, the main objective of the paper is to gather and promote the state of the art of knowledge on Nature-Based Solutions – actions that use various natural characteristics and processes to enhance sustainable urbanisation restore degraded ecosystems and mitigate climate change – with the aim of expanding the knowledge base on their effectiveness.
In this context, the Bosco Verticale, a prototype-building of a new biodiversity architecture, which places not only man but the relationship between man and other living species at the centre, is considered a virtuous model of this approach. The two towers host vegetation equivalent to that of 30,000 square metres of forest and undergrowth, concentrated on 3,000 square metres of urban area, corresponding to 800 trees (480 first and second size trees, 300 smaller ones) 15,000 perennials and/or ground cover plants and 5,000 shrubs two towers 80 and 112 m high. The document adds to the series of mentions by international organisations and institutions, including the UN’s 11 SDGs, which recognise the Bosco Verticale as an inspiration for next-generation architecture.
For more information on the ThinkNature project: https://platform.think-nature.eu/home
To read the full document: https://platform.think-nature.eu/system/files/thinknature_handbook_final_print_0.pdf