On La Repubblica, Genoa section, a preview article of the Radura della Memoria, an installation that will be publicly inaugurated on 14 August 2020. From vertical to circular forest, Stefano Boeri Architetti works on the future Polcevera Park and the Red Circle, a large urban space dedicated to sport and to the community, the preview of which is manifested in a wooden Radura, surrounded by 43 trees of different species.
A temporary wooden circle – which will then be dismantled and reused in all its parts – in memory of the innocent victims of the collapse of the Morandi Bridge, which took place on 14 August 2018. An open space that becomes in perspective a small agora, a square for dialogue and of commemoration, of rest and reflection, in an area that is a candidate to be reborn by leveraging work and inhabitants.
The article is available in La Repubblica on Wednesday 5 August 2020.