Il Corriere della Sera presents the Parco Italia project, a proposal by Stefano Boeri Architetti and AlberItalia.
On Tuesday November 14th at 9.30 a.m., at the Palazzo della Valle in Rome (Confagricoltura headquarters), the presentation of the project was held. The project envisages the protection of areas near existing parks and nature reserves, supporting and managing the renaturalisation processes of neighbouring natural and semi-natural areas, with the aim of protecting, expanding, managing and restoring protected and unprotected natural and semi-natural areas, in order to implement their connectivity. A long-term increase in natural capital and connectivity, achieved through natural or assisted regeneration and restoration of disturbed, degraded or deforested forests, could increase the supply of productive ecosystem services, environmental regulation and cultural services provided by forests to local and global communities.
“Parco Italia promotes the vision of the Italian territory as a large Park of plant and animal biodiversity. Consistent with the project of a World Park proposed by Richard Weller, Parco Italia aims to gradually establish a national ecological network connecting protected areas, national and regional parks, protected marine areas and ‘Natura 2000’ sites of EU interest. To realise this connection, Parco Italia proposes a series of walking and cycling routes that include a high biodiversity of plant species. Parco Italia is therefore an act of care for the Italian territory, made possible through the construction of a national network of Biodiversity Walks, with the aim of expanding the presence of ecological and cultural connections between protected natural areas, non-protected areas and slow mobility routes and the recovery of the historical villages that dot the Apennine ridge and the pre-alpine belt,” says Stefano Boeri.
For more information: https://www.parcoitalia.it/it/
The news was also reported by Green Economy Agency (GEA), Agricolae, Agenzia Nova, Adnkronos, Ansa, Il Tempo, Rinnovabili, Alternativa Sostenibile, Canale Energia, Agrigiornale, Teleambiente, Agen Food, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Messaggero, The Brief, Avvenire, Pianeta 2030.