The Forest City conceived and designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti in an article on the Spanish newspaper Clarin which tells about four models for futuristic cities.
“In 2030 the Planet will host 43 mega cities with more than 10 millions inhabitants in each one. In this sense urbanization should be a process based on the three pillars of sustainable development: the economical, the social and the environmental one”.
The Spanish newspaper describes a world urban scenary that want and has to be reinvented. So architects and urban planners from all around the world imagine floating cities with hydroponic farming and Forest Cities where buildings are totally integrated with the natural component.
The full article: https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/modelos-ciudades-futuristas-inteligentes-ecologicas-hiperconectadas_0_NSz5UNYQb.html