Archidea dedicates the first issue of 2018 – Building with Nature – to living architecture and to cities which welcome nature as a main system to generate resources. In this edition three interviews to Paul de Ruiter, Marco Casagrande and Stefano Boeri, which reports about his research on nature and the city and about his latest projects, among which Wonderwoods, a project for a Vertical Forest in Utrecht.
In the interview a reflection on the relationship between artificial and natural and on how the idea of nature has changed through centuries. “You might describe me as working on a marriage between the artificial and the natural,” said at his office the Milanese architect. “But the terms artificial and natural are full of ambiguities. Nature is in the first place a mental construction. It is whatever we make of it and its meaning has changed over the centuries. For a long time we used to think of nature as something outside ourselves. But actually it is inside of us, a part of who we are.”
So, admiting that nature is part of us, we will maybe manage to develop a more fertile and complex relationship with it?
To read the full interview: http://www.archidea.com/archidea-57#!/stefano-boeri