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Highlights urbania paperback | stefano boeri

urbania paperback
stefano boeri

Urbania di Stefano Boeri in edizione tascabile economica

Friday September 8th sees the publication of the paperback of Urbania, an essay by Stefano Boeri on the most urgent challenges that the cities of the future will have to face, after the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic.

De-synchronising the times of urban life, rethinking open and domestic spaces, radically changing the mobility system, encouraging the use of renewable energy, building green architecture, rebuilding a reciprocal relationship with the thousands of abandoned villages, enhancing biodiversity by implementing our heritage of woods and forests. Stefano Boeri proposes new and radical solutions to demonstrate that it is possible to rethink the logic and forms of urban life. He imagines a planet criss-crossed by great corridors of biodiversity where forests and cities find a new balance, where historic villages become living communities again and metropolises become archipelagos of self-sufficient neighbourhoods. A new world that can emerge from an intelligent acceleration of trends that are already underway.

“Stefano Boeri was among the first to rethink urban space in green. In this book he recounts the future of cities. Starting from ancient readings.” – Marco Belpoliti, “la Repubblica”.

Urbania, Stefano Boeri, Editori Laterza, Economica Laterza, 2023.

On the website of the publisher Editori Laterza: