Friday, February the 8th, at 10.00 a.m., Stefano Boeri is going to take part to Connext 2019, the first national industrial partnership meeting of Confindustria at Mico – Milano Congressi.
The event revolves around four strategic topics: the individual as center of progress, the metropolitan areas as drivers for development, territory as a laboratory for sustainable development and the intelligent factory.
The speech whose title is going to be Connecting Cities – New architectures for an integrated ecology: the challenge of cities is part of the thematic area Metropolitan areas as Drivers for Development.
The architect is going to share his highly innovative experience within Future City Lab of Tongji University in Shanghai, a research program which explores palnetary metropolis’ mutations and he is going to present projects of his office such as the Forest Cities and the Vertical Forest to show how architecture can provide an answer to the evnovronmental crisis we are currently facing integrating in a strategic way projects that work both at an architectural and at an urban scale.
For more informations: https://connext.confindustria.it/