The documentary “Sala 5 – Il Cartone di Raffaello,” a short film created by The Blink Fish about Stefano Boeri Architetti’s project for the Raphael’s Cartoon Room at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan, is participating in the City of Arts Film Festival, held in Madrid on April 29th.
The event, which brings together young directors and international documentaries, aims to be an innovative festival with the goal of sharing and giving visibility to cinematographic products dedicated to art and design.
Raphael’s Cartoon, the largest ever received (measuring 2.85 meters by 804 centimeters), arrived at the Ambrosiana in 1610 to return there, after several sales and vicissitudes, only in the 1960s. After a long restoration coordinated by a prestigious Scientific Committee composed of the Collegio dei Dottori of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana and Experts from the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro, the Vatican Museums, the Milan Superintendence, and the Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale,” the masterpiece was placed in a new display case composed of an imposing protective glass sheet the same size as the artwork itself (8 meters wide by 3 meters high for a total area of 24 square meters), achieving the record for the largest single-leaf showcase in the world.
For more information: https://filmfreeway.com/CityOfArtsFilmFestival