On Tuesday 21 March, the Teatro Oscar in Milan hosts the new appointment of the Versus cycle, Centre vs Suburb, focusing on the city of Milan. Milan is an indefinable city, it is ‘this but also this other’, a ‘dual’ city, as Stefano Boeri defines it. From this idea, from the desire to tell and think about it from all points of view, the series of Versus meetings was born, this year in its second edition, where in each meeting two guests clash/confront each other on essential issues of ‘milanesity’.
After “Pirellone vs Torre Velasca”, with the architects Stefano Boeri and Cino Zucchi; “Risott vs Cazeula”, “Gaber vs Jannacci”, “Inter vs Milan”, the next meeting to be held on 21 March has as its theme “Centre vs Suburb”, with the aim of bringing out the duality of Milan, recounting all its facets.
“There was a Milan ‘before’ the covid and there is a Milan ‘after’ the covid. You only have to walk around the city armed with a minimum of curiosity to realise how many things have changed. The air of ‘Milano da bere 2.0’ born with the Expo has dissolved, the centre has gone global, the suburbs have become a mysterious object, abandoned to itself, where unease reigns. Many streets in the centre, once full of life, have turned into suburban streets, small centres are born on the fringes. Meanwhile, housing costs continue to rise, and young people who want to build a life for themselves have to leave. There remains a great need for aggregation, for reconstituting social rituals that have been lost.”
The meeting Centre vs Suburb sees the confrontation between Don Virginio Colmegna, founder of the Casa della Carità, representing the ‘Centre’ and Stefano Boeri representing the ‘Periphery’. Massimo Bernardini will referee the debate, with Giacomo Poretti at the VAR and Paolo Bignamini directing.
For further information: https://oscar-desidera.it/evento/centro-vs-periferia-2/
For tickets: https://bit.ly/3i3mZfk