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Highlights artijanus/artijanas | stefano boeri

stefano boeri

Stefano Boeri a ArtiJanus/ArtiJanas

From the 14th to the 16th of September 2023, Alghero hosts the second edition of ArtiJanus/ArtiJanas, an experimental festival of design culture and craftsmanship – promoted by the Fondazione di Sardegna, with the scientific and artistic direction of Triennale Milano and Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri – that sees the participation of Stefano Boeri.

This year’s theme of the festival is ‘Genius Loci / The Spirit of Places‘, and its aim is to stimulate local productive realities operating in the artistic, typical-traditional and construction craftsmanship sectors, to reinterpret their productions, hybridise them, generate innovation and new development opportunities. The initiative aims to bring together the different handicraft sectors around a wide-ranging programme of activities and practices oriented, on the one hand, to bring out the cultural, as well as economic, role of handicrafts, and, on the other, to stimulate the sector to reinterpret its own productions, hybridise them, generate innovation and new development opportunities.

The programme of “ArtiJanus/ArtiJanas” 2023 includes dialogues, workshops, exhibitions and performances with international and local guests.
On 14 September at 7 pm at Lo Quarter, in the old town centre of Alghero, takes place a dialogue between the designer Antonio Marras, who often collaborates with local craftsmen to create his fashion collections, and Stefano Boeri entitled Le Solitudini di un’Isola (The Solitudes of an Island), focusing on creativity in the contemporary world and the role of craftsmanship in preserving Sardinia’s cultural heritage.

Conducted by Chiara Buratti, journalist for Rai Cultura.

For further information:

The news was also reported by Arte Magazine.