Inside Il Giorno, an article by Marco Galvani presents the project for the redevelopment of the Aler public housing in Monza, conceived by Stefano Boeri Architetti, with the aim of improving the housing quality of residents through the architectural and energy regeneration of two buildings in Via Baradello, in the heart of Monza’s manufacturing area.
After the first experience in Eindhoven, where the Trudo Vertical Forest was the first example of a vertical forest dedicated to social housing, the project for the 95 apartments in the two Aler blocks in Monza also aims to restore dignity to living, toward a quality welfare that includes environmental, economic, and, above all, quality of living sustainability: joint actions on public housing that can activate paths of urban and social regeneration.
The project not only aims to improve the quality of life of residents by introducing a system of balconies, green facades and social spaces between the two blocks and in their porches, but thanks to the presence of photovoltaics and the reduction in consumption allowed by the intervention on the facades, it allows the two buildings – and the others owned by Aler – to constitute an innovative and advanced form of energy community, able to distribute among the less affluent families the benefits gained from the energy contribution that exceeds the needs of the buildings themselves.
“Now we want to ensure the same dignity and high quality of the private world, improving not only the conditions of homes and spaces, but above all changing the quality of life of the people who live in them and their social condition. Also by redeveloping the urban context in which the properties are inserted,” declares Stefano Boeri.
To read the full article: https://www.ilgiorno.it/cronaca/popolare-e-chic-si-puo-un-bosco-verticale-per-le-palazzine-aler-c95a06b8