Inside the June 22nd insert of Repubblica Green&Blue, dedicated to sustainability and the environment and entitled La grande sfida di crescere puliti (The great challenge of growing clean), Federica Venni interviews Stefano Boeri on his vision of Milan in the long term, up to 2050.
Stefano Boeri, who with his studio Stefano Boeri Architetti is working on several transformations of the city from an environmental point of view, answers some questions on the climate and social challenges that the Lombard city is facing and is preparing to face.
“I am thinking of a city that not only works on reducing consumption, but also exploits the great resources it has of groundwater and geothermal energy to produce clean energy. Milan must relaunch itself starting from its fundamental elements and water is certainly one of them. The challenge lies here, in maintaining a balance between innovation and generosity. Accompanying the transformations with the development of large companies with a social vocation and the Third Sector. And with a major operation on the housing market: by building modern social housing and subsidized housing or redeveloping the existing one, perhaps recovering the many abandoned and vacant offices. Only by putting all these elements together would Milan become not only a beautiful city, but also a city from which people no longer want to escape,’ says Stefano Boeri.
For the full article: https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/