February 15th, 2018
“A new model of urban living that rises from the ground to tackle climate change”.
That’s how Grazia, in its Lifestyle section, introduces the innovative model of Vertical Forest, telling about its environmental and aesthetic benefits in long and short term effects.
The tree in the center. This is Stefano Boeri Architetti‘s philosophy in promoting Urban Forestry, a policy which seeks to involve architects, agronomists, botanists, landscape architects, as well as investors, administrations and other kind of professionals.
According to an ONU evaluation, from now to 2030 the 60% of the population will live in urban centres. This phenomena is one of the principal causes of the global warming and increasing amount of pollutants emissions.
From the milanese prototype starts the evolution of this architectural model that revolutionized the relationship between city and nature, and that soon will see new Vertical Forests also in France, Netherlands, Switzerland and China. More than 20 thousands trees, plants and shrubs, equal to two hectares of planted forest in the city.
To read the full article: https://www.grazia.fr/lifestyle/deco/les-forets-suspendues-aussi-belles-qu-ecologiques-8