In the Corriere della Sera Maurizio Giannattasio interviews Stefano Boeri about the San Siro International Forest Stadium project, the proposal presented by Stefano Boeri Architetti in 2019 in the competition phase called by the teams.
The stadium-forest is designed according to a number of tricks for the city: the displacement of the tunnel in Via Patroclo, which would allow the volume not to be leaning against the houses; energy efficiency; the realisation of a connection point between the two extremes of San Siro – the popular district and the garden city; the creation of a potential district of more than 2.6 million square metres dedicated to sports and leisure.
To read the full article: https://milano.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/22_novembre_04/san-siro-lo-stadio-bosco-di-boeri-con-gli-alberi-sopra-gli-spalti-a-dimensione-famigliare-e-lontano-dai-condomini-ea0d54a3-b2ff-4ae8-a6eb-a758c93f1xlk.shtml
The news was reported by some international media such as Sky Arte, aasarchitecture, Milano Today, StirWorld, designboom, Stadionwelt, Casa Vogue, Revista Q Qué México