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interview with stefano boeri

Stefano Boeri ad agorà

As part of Agorà, broadcast on Rai3, Roberto Inciocchi interviews Stefano Boeri in the context of the extreme weather events that have hit Italy, and especially Tuscany, in recent weeks.

The interview starts from the floods that mainly hit the Tuscany region, to analyse the state of the Italian territory and the increasingly urgent climate challenges it has to face.

“In general, there are three elements that must always be kept in mind: first of all, the fragility of our territory, with coastal erosion, hydrogeological and seismic risk. Added to this is the fact that we have built too much and badly. Even where we should not have. And this is the second point. Climate change – and this is the third – amplifies the harmful consequences of these two factors.
We must begin to understand what choices need to be made urgently. One example is the Parco Nord Milano, a 400,000-hectare park that in an, I must say, enlightened way, a few decades ago, was built in such a way as to prevent soil from being consumed, that is, to prevent what we see from becoming roads, paved areas, buildings, industrial sheds, commercial sheds. We need more permeable areas where water is absorbed. We need more permeable areas because we need more greenery,” says Stefano Boeri.

to view the full episode:—Agora-800b2de7-97d4-437d-a623-2ebf023677f0.html