The Municipality of Milan has called for a Public Debate to discuss the technical and economic feasibility study for the new Milan stadium. The purpose of the debate is to present the proposal for the new stadium in the San Siro area to the public and to collect comments and suggestions to allow the project to be evaluated and improved.
On Friday November 4th at 8 p.m., in the context of the event Stadio Milano: environmental sustainability of the intervention – Part II, Stefano Boeri will speak, presenting observations and proposals regarding the project of a new sustainable stadium for the city.
To participate and for further information: https://www.dpstadiomilano.it/#:~:text=Dibattito%20pubblico%20nuovo%20stadio%20di%20Milano&text=The%20dibito%20has%20the%20aim,%20to%20evaluate%20and%20improve%20the%20project