From September 26, 2024 to January 19, 2025, Villa Bardini, Florence, host the exhibition “OltreCittà. Utopie e realtà. Da Le Corbusier a Gerhard Richter” (OltreCittà. Utopias and Reality. From Le Corbusier to Gerhard Richter), a reflection on the macro-theme of cities, where Stefano Boeri Architetti presents the design of the Forest City of Shijiazhuang.
The city is the protagonist of a journey through painting, sculpture, architecture, photography and music with artists of the 20th and 21st centuries, telling the story of urban centers and imagined landscapes with 128 works, “visions” that are revealed to the eyes of visitors through looking at multiple urban identities.
The architectural connotation of the exhibition is given by Le Corbusier, Rem Koolhaas, Antonio Sant’Elia, and Stefano Boeri Architetti, who shows his design of the Forest City of Shijiazhuang, a city in China that holds the record for the city with the highest rate of air pollution in China, a cloak of smog and soot that dissipates for only a few days a year. The Shijiazhuang Forest City will be a new urban reality capable of housing 100 thousand inhabitants. A new generation city, capable of becoming a model of sustainable growth in a large country in which, every year, 14 million farmers migrate to cities.
For more information: https://www.villabardini.it/grandi-mostre/