On Saturday, March 25, Il Foglio, in collaboration with Banco BPM, presents “Governing Globalization, Governing Capital, Governing the Future,” an event to think about the economic future and the virtuous relationship Italy can continue to establish with globalization, innovation, and Europe.
The event takes place over the course of the morning from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 30 at the Sala delle Colonne in the BPM headquarters in Milan, Piazza Meda 4, and will include a panel discussion with Stefano Boeri as speaker, along with various experts in the field, such as Maurizio Leo (deputy minister of Economy), Ernesto Ruffini (head of the revenue agency), Irene Tinagli (chair of the Economic Affairs Committee of the European Parliament), Alessandra Perrazzelli (deputy director general of Bankitalia), Stefano Firpo, (director of Assonime), Pasquale Salzano (Simest president), Carlo Cottarelli and Claudio Cerasa.
for more information: https://www.ilfoglio.it/gli-eventi-del-foglio/2023/02/23/news/come-governare-la-globalizzazione-il-capitale-e-il-futuro-un-evento-del-foglio-a-milano-4989158/amp/