In the newspaper La Repubblica, in the section dedicated to Milan, Alessia Gallione interviews Stefano Boeri on his vision for the future of the Lombard city.
The article focuses on the main challenges, to be implemented as early as 2023, to improve the city’s liveability: the planting of as many trees as possible, also to replace car parks, in order to reduce the heat island effect; the creation of dozens of neighbourhood communities to improve accessibility, replace road mobility with a gentler and more sustainable one, and reduce the social distances between the centre and the suburbs; the design of new transformation areas, such as the former railway yards, taking into account the existing environmental context.
“Milan, like all big cities (including Rome, where I will soon start coordinating a Laboratory on the Future), should do a double job: build a vision for what it wants to become in 20 and 30 years’ time and act immediately to achieve its goals,” concludes Stefano Boeri.
To read the full article: https://milano.repubblica.it/cronaca/2023/01/04/news/stefano_boeri_milano_alberi_parcheggi_citta_arcipelago-381945415/