In the German newspaper Die Welt, an article by Ulf Poschardt focuses on sustainable lifestyles, especially related to architecture, citing, among other virtuous European projects, the Bosco Verticale in Milan, a project by Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra).
Cited as “the most innovative building in the world”, the two towers in Milan are included in a broader discourse related to design aimed at an ecological response to contemporary climate challenges.
“The question is not whether the green transformation will take place, but how,” writes Poschardt, emphasising how urban forestation and sustainable design strategies must be implemented as essential to the design of the city of the future.
In this context, the Bosco Verticale stands as the first prototype of a new architecture of biodiversity, which no longer places man alone at the centre, but the relationship between man and other living species; “a house for trees that also houses humans and birds”. Just a few years after its construction, in fact, the Bosco Verticale has created a habitat colonised by numerous species of animals (including around 1,600 birds and butterflies), establishing an outpost of spontaneous plant and animal recolonisation of the city, a successful example of integration of the natural sphere with the human one.
To read the full article: https://www.welt.de/kultur/kunst/plus244582662/Kulturkampf-um-die-Zukunft-Ulf-Poschardt-ueber-die-richtige-Form-des-nachhaltigen-Lebens.html