A double interview with Stefano Boeri and architect Carlo Ratti, protagonists of the dialogue Scenari ed idee: evoluzione urbanistica, città interconnesse?, in the context of the event Torino 2050 costruiamo insieme il futuro della città, is published in the Turin edition of the Corriere della Sera.
Starting from the comparisons between the cities of Milan and Turin; from the contemporary challenges of ecological transition and social inequality, the meeting focuses on the transformations – social, economic but above all urban – of the city of Turin: from the union of Milan and Turin into a great linear metropolis of the North, which could eventually include Bologna; to international cooperation alliances, to create the capital of the Alps; or the most important biotechnological pole.
“To understand what perspective Turin should have, I would start by asking: what is the possible future and what is the preferable future?
I share the experience of Brest and its ‘contract of reciprocity’. A protocol of exchanges between the capital and the smaller towns. The hamlets offer ecosystem services such as quality food, drinking water and clean air. Cities support networks for the rebirth of hamlets. I am not just talking about tourism. Repopulating means recognising the productive and not just environmental value of hamlets,” says Stefano Boeri.
To read the full article: https://torino.corriere.it/notizie/torino-2050/23_novembre_07/stefano-boeri-torino-ha-le-carte-in-regola-per-diventare-un-polo-metropolitano-autonomo-190f79c5-b481-4ac2-87b3-08655ee00xlk.shtml
The news was also reported by Corriere della Sera and Corriere della Sera Torino.