From September 25 to 28, the festival “Seed – Design actions for the future” is being held in Perugia, Italy. The festival is dedicated to the encounter between arts and knowledge, where Stefano Boeri is guest lecturer at the Festival Première, on September 20.
The festival, which promotes the encounter between design culture, humanistic disciplines and other fields of knowledge, with the aim of investigating some major issues of our time, is proposed as a format of interdisciplinary dialogue that aims to generate new ideas and proposals on the interpretative, operational and political level: seeds of thought (from the English word ‘seed’, semen) from which to blossom a reasoned and conscious culture of sustainability.
The festival brings together more than 50 leading experts including architects, designers, scientists, philosophers and artists, with the aim of returning a deeper understanding of the contemporary condition, recognizing in the environmental issue a planetary urgency and at the same time a call for peace and cooperation.
On Friday, September 20, Stefano Boeri gives a preview lecture at the festival entitled “Living Architecture“. The lecture focuses on arguments in favor of an idea of nature as a living and subversive force, as a dynamic and unpredictable fabric of interconnected lives, capable of regenerating the practices and theories of architecture and urbanism. The lecture, held in the Sala dei Notari in Perugia, is also broadcast live on the festival’s platforms.
For more information, and to learn about the full program: https://seed360.org/programma/