On Dec. 14 in the CNR Conference Hall (Piazzale Aldo Moro, Rome) the final phase of the 10th edition of the Premio Nazionale di Divulgazione Scientifica (National Prize for Scientific Disclosure) is held, an event geared toward divulging scientific culture through a competition aimed at the best publishing productions of the current year promoted by the Italian Book Association, with more than 400 authors including researchers, professors, journalists, scholars and authors from Italy or abroad participating each year.
President of the jury is scientific committee chairman Giorgio De Rita. The national jury involves more than 250 professors of all levels and experts in scientific subjects. It is possible to express a vote with respect to the competing books – the public vote has a weight of 30 percent while that of the national jury, which was given the opportunity to read the works, a weight of 70 percent.
The book Urbania (Stefano Boeri, Editori Laterza, 2021) is in the finals with two other volumes in the Engineering Sciences and Architecture category.
For more information and to vote: https://www.premiodivulgazionescientifica.it/
For live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKXgI4gVXus