MI/ARCH the International Architecture Festival comes back from October 12!
From 12th to 15th of October MI/ARCH – the International Architecture Festival promoted by Politecnico of Milan, conceived and directed by Stefano Boeri with Matteo Ruta, hosting annually a series of conferences, meetings and public events, is back.
The fourth edition of MI/ARCH is called 40 CONSTRUCTIONS and will explore the relations between the disciplines of Architecture and Engineering through the particular perspective of construction processes.
Emblematic stories of construction of artifacts in contemporary space is an instrument for exploring the ways in which the techniques of Architecture and Engineering intersect or overlap, sometimes colliding, sometimes cooperating fruitfully. Architects and engineers, co-protagonists of the same construction story, will tell about some of their projects – related to buildings, landscapes, infrastructure, services – marking the internal tensions between the techniques of Architecture and the Disciplines of Engineering.
The festival will be inaugurated on October 12 with ReConstructions seminar aimed to stimulate and debate on reconstruction and consolidation in Italy, introduced by the intervention of Stefano Boeri, Joseph Grima and Pier Paolo Tamburelli in Reasonable proposals for an irritable country.
Besides, on October 13 in the morning opens the Vesparch, a tour on a Vespa to discover Architecture of railway stations with exceptional guides: Stefano Boeri and Cino Zucchi with Azzurra Muzzonigro.
In four days of MI/ARCH 2016 it’ll be possible to follow the open lectures of some protagonists of International Architecture: from European architects such as BIG, Patrik Schumacher (Zaha Hadid Architects) and Alejandro Zaera-Polo, to an american Greg Lynn, to southamerican Solano Benitez, to the coming back to Milan japanese Kazuyo Sejima to the experience of the African architect Francis Kéré and many others.
For more information and full program of events://calendario.eventi.polimi.it/?&lang=it#miarch2016
MI/ARCH 2016 è sponsorizzato da Graphisoft.