From June 18th to 21st, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, with the participation of Livia Shamir, Director of the Research Department at Stefano Boeri Architetti.
This year’s forum focuses on the challenges of transforming commitments into action and will bring together representatives from local and regional governments, urban practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge and best practices in sustainable urban development.
During the four days, Livia Shamir will not only present the studies and projects of the Research Department at Stefano Boeri Architetti, which are centered on urban forestry and sustainable urban development, but will also participate in various sessions and events designed to discuss and collaborate on ways to help cities access climate finance and transform their climate challenges into concrete projects and actions.
Highlights of the main events include:
- June 18, 09:00-10:30: “Urban Transitions Mission Center Marketplace”;
- June 18, 13:00-18:00: “Solutions and Finance Marketplace, in partnership with the Global Research and Innovation Symposium at ICLEI World Congress”, an interactive space to bridge the concept-action and financial gap in climate research and innovation;
- June 20, 12:00-13:15: “A seat at the table: getting the green (finance) for green projects”, a roundtable discussion on attracting green finance;
- June 20, 15:00-18:00: “Business Roundtable between cities, financial institutions, and businesses”.
For more information: https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/press/gcom-gap-fund-partnership-at-the-iclei-world-congress-2024-supporting-cities-in-accessing-climate-finance/