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Sede Italiana

Via G. Donizetti, 4
20122 Milano IT

Highlights l’Italia che verrà | soft economy festival and summer seminar 2020

l’Italia che verrà
soft economy festival and summer seminar 2020

For the eighth edition of the Soft Economy Festival and for the Summer Seminar of “Italy to come”, a double participation by Stefano Boeri on Tuesday 21 July 2020 and Thursday 23 July 2020, to recount the thoughts and challenges faced during and following the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tuesday 21 from 10 am, in collaboration with the extraordinary Commissioner for 2016 earthquake reconstruction, an intervention to tell the story of the regeneration of central Italy affected by the 2016 and 2017 earthquake. A not only geographical “central” theme.

Thursday 23 from 15, on the theme of “Living”, a reflection on the pandemic, which drew attention to core themes as the villages scattered along the Apennine ridge: territories that are not reserve areas of urban centers, but must be strong and vital areas, and therefore not only frequented but inhabited, spaces for a more human-friendly economy and life.

The search for an economy on a human scale, against contemporary emergencies, as a new paradigm, today a realistic perspective: values ​​and cultures, empathy and technology, human and business energy, mixed with social cohesion, impossible without a strong role the third sector, territories, communities and local institutions, starting from small municipalities.

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